Jewish Voice for Peace is long on rhetoric, long on disruptions, but short on intelligence. They are a bunch of anarchistic, anti-Israel misfits acting out their left-wing agenda by joining hands with the forces that would destroy Israel and kill the last Jews who fail to get out of what they want to call Palestine.
Now JVP shows how short they are on gray matter. They are huge supporters of the BDS movement-Boycott, Divest and Sanctions- when it comes to Israel and companies that do business with the Jewish state. But look how they describe sanctions when the subject is the murderous and terror-fomenting Islamic regime in Iran.

(Fousesquawk doesn't like this.)
Has anyone pointed out to JVP the obvious contradiction here?
"BDS movement-Boycott, Divest and Sanctions"
The JVP must be one of the most ignorant groups to set foot on a university campus. With their BDS nonsense, they parade around with cellphones in hand, not knowing that most of the high-tech innovation were developed in Israel.
So JVP, BDS stupids, throw away your cellphones and insist that all cellphone users on campus do the same in order to Boycott-Divest and Sanction Israeli cellphone technology.
BDS is indeed juvenile. The logic seems to be, South Africa was seriously injured by sanctions once its actions became so egregious and its government so insupportable from within its own country that even the Reagan administration was establishing diplomatic contact with the African National Congress,
us campus activists FEEL that saying bad things about Israel is the anti-apartheid struggle of our time,
therefore, BDS is our path to victory... or at least something to talk about at rallies and stuff.
Analogies can provide useful illustration, but they are never proof of anything (as Gary demonstrates with his silly Munich graphics). In the case of BDS, the analogy is so much smoke and mirrors in the minds of the advocates.
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