
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Jew Hatred in Montreal

Hat tip Gates of Vienna and Vlad Tepes

I said Jew s**t. You’re Jew s**t. You insult veiled women, you’re only Jew s**t. There…
1:55Go f**k yourself, filthy Jew.

"You and your entire race go f*** yourself, dirty Jew"

The below video appears on Gates of Vienna with translation from the French by Vlad Tepes. A Jewish man asked a couple of veiled females in a coffee shop how they felt about a proposed anti-religious garb and symbols law in Quebec. This is how they reacted to his question-with epithets and violence.

The article indicates that the man began filming only after the women began insulting him. I am assuming he was casually asking an innocent question and not looking to start a provocation. There is reportedly more video coming of another confrontation outside the coffee shop.

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