“One student who bravely spoke up at a forum about campus civility was publicly demeaned and embarrassed by a dean."
Seems I am building up quite a library on Boston's Northeastern University, a place I have already characterized as America's Brown University. I am not referring to the one in Rhode Island. The term 'Brown University" was first applied to Erlangen University in Germany, which was the first with a majority of Nazis in its student government as Hitler was still climbing to power.
The latest article by Algemeiner concerns Northeastern's denial of snti-Semitism on campus in spite of complaints from Jewish students.
I note once again, the alleged bullying behavior of Professor Dennis Sullivan is described. It is easy for obnoxious professors to bully young college kids and use other students to intimidate those who don't follow the party line in class.
I go back to when I was taking masters degree classes at the FBI Academy during my final tour of duty with DEA's Office of Training. DEA and the FBI provided an opportunity for their trainers to take night classes at the academy offered by the University of Virginia. I was 48 when I earned my masters.
Picture this scenario: A UVA professor comes up from Charlottesville to teach a class on education to a group of Marines, FBI agents and DEA agents. On one occasion, a young lady teaching our class made the statement that she didn't see anything unpatriotic about burning the American flag.
Let me just say that she left the class highly shaken and never came back.
Alas, college kids are usually not emotionally equipped to take on an older professor who controls the grades. All I can say is I would love to sit in one of Dennis Sullivan's classes.
Did you beat her up, Gary?
No we did not. However, I suspect she learned the value of knowing your audience.
If she can't stand the heat, she should stay out of the kitchen. I'll go along with you that far. Although I don't favor arresting flag burners, I find it a rather juvenile form of protest, and I'm not sure I would be quick to seek arrest of some outraged patriot who kicked the butt of the one doing the burning.
If she has a sound argument, she ought to be able to sustain it in the teeth of a room full of law enforcement officers and veterans.
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