
Sunday, October 13, 2013

Nidal Hasan and Boston Globe: Motive or No Motive?

Hat tip Teri Blumenfeld, Investigative Project on Terrorism, and Creeping Sharia

Reference is made to my previous post (below) on a Boston Globe chart of mass shootings in the US. The entry for the Ft Hood shooting listed the motive (for Nidal Hasan) as "Unknown". This was pointed out here and at Creeping Sharia. The date I have for the chart by the Boston Globe is September 16, 2013.

Subsequently, one of my contacts, Teri Blumenfeld, took a screen shot (Oct 5, 2013) of what seems to be a re-done chart by the Globe in which the motivation column has been completely removed on the chart. It is not known here when the change was made. It seems that related pages are no longer online.

Another issue is the omission of other cases involving Muslims as raised by Creeping Sharia and the curious mention by the Globe of, "disturbing behavior- no official diagnosis" pertaining to the Nidal case.

What about these cases?

So many questions remain: Did the Boston Globe tinker with the entire motive column from their chart after the ludicrousness of "Unknown" was pointed outt at Creeping Sharia and here? Why did they omit several cases  involving Muslim shooters, and why were the Tsarnaev Brothers not included-because they used bombs instead of guns? Remember, they did shoot and kill a policeman. mass murders are mass murders whether by gun, knife, bomb  or whatever. Why the emphasis on type of weapons used and the apparent shenanigans with motive as to Nidal Hasan?


Miggie said...

Great expose´ (with the documentation) of this willful attempt to cover the underlying common thread of most of these terrorist attacks.

I wonder if the people who deleted the column on "motive" or who left out other Muslim terrorist attacks (admitted in the Abdul Hakim Muhammad attack - "This was a jihadi attack on infidel forces that didn't go as plan," he wrote. "Flat out truth.")... I wonder if they still think of themselves as journalists. If you knowing fudge or skew the data, then you must know that you are nothing more than a lying propagandist.

Squid said...

Does this "Yellow" journalism surprise me? No it does not. The Media are made up of the Left and they will spin stories to protect the ideology of our slowly transforming nation into a socialist quagmire.
