John Kerry-Fighting foreign fighters
A few days ago, we reported on John Kerry's latest international boondoggle- a fund to help would-be jihadists get jobs before they decide to go out and kill a bunch of people. Now we learn that Kerry is concerned about "foreign fighters".
Creeping Sharia has more details. What it all boils down to is we will be paying higher taxes to fund this scheme.
"the adoption of a “foreign fighter tool kit”
Yes, indeed, which includes politically-correct training materials that make no mention of you-know-what.
(Foreign fighter)
If John Kerry is so concerned about foreign fighters, why are we funding foreign fighters in Syria?
If John Kerry is so concerned about foreign fighters, maybe he could do something about those foreign fighters who traveled from Minneapolis to participate in that al Shabaab attack on the Nairobi mall. (Suggestion: Stop bringing in tens of thousands of Somalis to the US.)
If John Kerry is so concerned about foreign fighters, maybe he should do something about that Boston bombing case by the Brothers Tsarnaev. (Suggestion: Stop bringing in Chechen "refugees" to the US.)
Here's another suggestion: Since we are in the middle of a government "shutdown", why not clip John Kerry's wings and bring him home to get back to his wind surfing? It would save the government millions.
1 comment:
When Yassir Arafat decided that the Black September organization was of no further use to him, and might even be an embarrassment to his then-current strategy, he decided to shut it down. The problem was, what do you do with dozens of highly trained men whose only marketable skill is murder and sabotage? It was a wolf-by-the-ear problem.
The solution was to host some parties with a lot of nice Palestinian single women, who were informed of the benefits available to children of any marriage with any of these men. In a few years, they were so domesticated they wouldn't venture out of the country, because they might be arrested.
Now one might say they deserved something worse, but the fact is, it successfully shut down Black September. So, what to do with people we haven't killed who we want to stay home and be domesticated, is a legitimate question.
We didn't execute every Nazi in Germany, but somehow the place calmed down and Werewolf was a non-starter.
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