It's bad enough that our university Middle East Studies departments are stuffed with people who want to bring about the destruction of Israel, but it seems even some Jewish Studies departments have the same goal.
"Intifada II, during which Palestinian Arab suicide bombers, pogromists, and lynch mobs slaughtered over a thousand people (most of them Israeli Jews) and wounded thousands more, was euphemistically described (in JudaismMagazine, no less) by a Vassar professor of Jewish Studies as “a critique of Zionism.”
Of all the anti-Semitic outrages going on in universities across the country, Indiana University may just well take the cake. The below article by Edward Alexander in Frontpage Magazine is truly shocking. It concerns a new course offering by Prof. Shaul Magid of the Jewish Studies Dept.
"This course is intended to give the student a much more complex and multifaceted view of Zionism as an idea and as an ostensible solution to the Jewish question."
Just what we need, an ostensible solution to the Jewish question-as opposed to final solution.
"We will read from the works of Kaufmann Kohler, rector of Hebrew Union College, Martin Buber, Hannah Arendt, Gershom Scholem, Bernard Lazare, Hans Kohn, Simon Rawidowicz, The American Council of [sic] Judaism, Yeshayahu Leibowitz, Jacqueline Rose, Peter Beinart, and Judith Butler. We will also read some of the recent Israeli post-Zionist debates. This course is intended to give the student a much more complex and multifaceted view of Zionism as an idea and as an ostensible solution to the Jewish question."
May I offer Dr Magid a suggestion for additional reading material?
And how about that Swede weighing in on the "question"? Sweden is arguably the biggest bastion of anti-Semitism in Europe. Among European cities, Malmö certainly is the worst.
Indiana University should be ashamed. They are giving legitimacy to sheer Jew hatred in the guise of critiquing Israel. That it is being offered by a Jewish professor and features works by Jewish crackpots like Judith Butler changes nothing. These are people working for the destruction of the Jewish state of Israel. How many Jews die in the process is of no concern to them.
They are ideological misfits.
"They are ideological misfits." Wrong!
This Professor and all that profess to support his loathsome ideological putridity, are the lowest form of pond scum. I would love to debate this Prof. and verbally slice and dice. But alas, I would only get to communicate with them through 3x5 cards submitted as questions.
Sounds like Gary has his own version of "political correctness." Sometime deviate from the Party Line again, Gary?
(The intifada was a mixed bag, but for the people who had to live through it, so was the American Revolution. We who are so fortunate as to get the benefits without paying the prices are the ones who can cheerfully wave flags and smile.)
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