
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Dartmouth is Running Out of Letters

Hat tip Campus Reform

"Daddy, what does 'allied' mean?"

Dartmouth College is spending $3.6 million to build a triangle-shaped building for (get this) lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgender, questioning,  inter-sex, and allied students LGBTQIA).

Maybe they should make it a 7-floor building.

According to Reese, the three points of the triangle also symbolize “community, knowledge, and action.”

I mean no disrespect, nor do I mean to poke fun at homosexual folks. However, anyone with half a  brain can see that this invites ridicule. I mean, I can figure out most of these terms, but what is the difference between trans-gender and inter-sex? And what is 'allied'? How many more terms do we keep adding to this acronym gone on steroids?

“By engaging our students outside of the classroom, Living Learning communities such as affinity houses further enhance the core mission of the institution by tying what we learn in the classroom to who we are, what we do, and how we live,”” she said.

And for the life of me, I can't understand why we keep segregating our people by groups. At UC Santa Cruz (America's Wackiest University), they have dorms segregated by ethnicity, some kind of tribute to Jim Crow, I suppose.

One can only conclude that our universities, especially those in the Ivy League, are inhabited by crazy people.

1 comment:

Siarlys Jenkins said...

It is a small school sir, but there are those who love it.

--Daniel Webster