
Friday, October 4, 2013

A Bust of Raoul Wallenberg in Sweden?

Hat tip Dispatch International

For some time now, I have been writing about efforts to place a bust of Raoul Wallenberg on various university campuses in the US. The effort is spearheaded by Peter Lantz, the son of famed sculptor Paul Lantz, a Hungarian Holocaust survivor, who made the original bust in Montreal in tribute to the Swedish diplomat who saved his life in Hungary in the closing days of World War II.

Together, Peter and I attempted to get a bust placed on the campus at UC Irvine. We were unsuccessful.

Astonishingly, it appears similar efforts at Uppsala University in Wallenberg's native Sweden have also been unsuccessful.


Findalis said...

I am sure you could get a bust of Josef Mengele put into a prominent position on campus.

Anonymous said...

Great News.

Swedes like Americans are not putting up with this nonsense.

How about a bust of Folke Bernadotte???