No problem
Banned for life
It can't get much more ridiculous than this. A rodeo clown is dressed up in an Obama mask at the Missouri state fair. All Hell is breaking loose. Townhall has the report.
If this is the standard, then nobody can wear any kind of mask that portrays a black person, but white caricatures are OK. The obvious comparison is the previous clown caricatures of George H W Bush as described in the article. In addition, we have seen Reagan masks, Nixon masks and other presidents made into clown masks, and none too flattering, I might add-especially as to Nixon, Reagan and GW Bush. But Obama is off limits.
And if that isn't enough, Rush Limbaugh reported today on his radio show that since the rodeo announcer is a school official, his school district is launching an investigation.
An investigation into what?
This is not an attempt to bring back the blackface of Vaudeville times; it is simply a clown mask portraying a president just like those of previous presidents-only this one happens to be black.
Gimme a break.
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