
Friday, August 16, 2013

Muslim Brotherhood Keeps Sending its "Peaceful" Followers to the Streets

Here is a statement from the Muslim Brotherhood's Ikhwan Web, its English-language  propaganda organ, urging its followers to stay on the streets during Friday's "day of rage". It incredibly refers to the "peaceful protests" even as the blood flows across Egypt. Over 600 people are dead and that includes 67 police and soldiers. Over thirty Christian churches have been burned. Incredibly, the MB condemns the burnings and charges that police are not protecting the churches that MB followers are burning down.

Goebbels would be proud.

For a more accurate report:


Siarlys Jenkins said...

In Gary's world. all mobs are controlled by a disciplined cadre of professional revolutionaries, and no crime is committed spontaneously.

Findalis said...

Peaceful followers who stage photos for the Western media just like the Fakistinians do.