There is a street drug cocktail going around, and it is popular in the inner city and hip hop circles. It is called Lean. Another variant is called Purple Drank. It consists of promethazine and codeine cough syrup mixed with hard candy and certain soft drinks, one of the more popular being Arizona Watermelon Fruit Juice Cocktail. One of the popular candies used is Skittles.
You don't hear about this in the main stream media, but there is a lot of speculation about this mixture and Travyon Martin. On the night he died, he was coming back from a 7-11 with an Arizona Watermelon Fruit Juice Cocktail drink and a bag of Skittles, something the prosecution drummed on in an effort to portray Martin as a child, a word used over and over by prosecutors in the trial. The prosecutors referred to the drink as Arizona Ice Tea, not exactly accurate.
In and of itself, this might not be enough to draw conclusions, but the autopsy on Martin reportedly showed findings of liver damage consistent with the effect of taking this insidious mixture. In addition, it is reported that text messaging on his cell phone showed references to this drink (see below video).
Of course, one thing Martin was not bringing back from the store was the codeine-based cough syrup, which would have required a prescription.
Bill Whittle is a conservative writer, commentator and blogger who has produced this 10-minute video, which examines this question.
It seems pretty clear by now that young Trayvon was not the angelic child that has been portrayed in the media. He had gotten into a number of scrapes-especially at school. Even the photos we saw were those taken when he was younger and before he started to head down the wrong path. In short, the public was misled, just as the state of Florida and the prosecution tried to mislead the jurors in the case with a false portrait of Trayvon the Child.
Having said that, it is still a tragedy that a 17-year-old teenager lost his life in a situation that could have been so easily avoided. As I said before, Trayvon had his whole life ahead of him in which to turn it around.
However, it also points to the false narrative we have been fed about George Zimmerman. Just days ago, he stopped on the highway to pull four people out of a burning car crash. Nevertheless, many of his detractors are already calling it "staged". His life is still in danger, and will be for a long time.
What the public is owed in this tragedy is the truth, which has been twisted out of all proportions. If Trayvon Martin was, indeed, abusing this cocktail, and violent and paranoid behavior was the result, might it not serve as a warning to other youth? Putting images of Martin Luther King in a hoodie is downright wrong and insulting. Trayvon Martin was no Martin Luther King, nor was he an Emmitt Till. He was Trayvon Martin, and whatever his legacy will be, it should be an accurate one-not to condemn him because he was, after all, only 17, but to serve truthful history and serve as a cautionary lesson for our youth, particularly that segment where this drink is currently popular. If this drink was part of the story, the public deserves to know.
Trayvon Martin was a punk and gangster wannabe. That is why his parents showed the picture of him at 12 and not at 17. It was an effort to make Trayvon out to be something he never was.
Please cross post this at Monkey in the Middle.
Since the prosecution emphasized so much that Trayvon Martin was innocently just going home after he bought soda and candy, I wonder if they knew about the combination of ingredients of lean.
It appears that they acted in bad faith when they did not immediately turn over Martin's telephone records.
At what point do they stop being conscientious public servants and turn into potential murderers (had Zimmerman been convicted of murder) themselves?
I know Zimmerman wasn't charged with murder, but he could have been sent to prison for 20 years. What would that make the prosecutors? Vigilantes? and employed by the State and marching to the beat of Sharpton, Holder, and Obama?
You can't make this stuff up, folks.
Twenty years is a bit steep. Zimmerman should have gotten five years, three on supervised release, with work-release privileges. But then, I think most of the Manson gang (not including Manson himself) should have been paroled in the late 1990s. Maybe I'm soft on Zimmerman too. I'm a sucker for a man with a family who love him who thought he was doing the right thing.
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