
Friday, June 7, 2013

Democratic Senator Calls on Holder to Resign

At least one Democrat in the Senate knows something about right and wrong. Joe Manchin of West Virginia has called for Eric Holder's resignation as attorney general.

Manchin's words were diplomatic, but it means something when a senator from your own party says you should go. That doesn't mean Holder will go. I think he is cocksure of his support from the president. My inner belief is that Holder could really hurt Obama if he (Obama) throws him under the bus.

1 comment:

elwood p suggins said...

I must say that while I have admittedly not kept up with Manchin's record to any great degree, he seemed OK to me for a Democrat (possibly even someone I could vote for depending on who the opponent was??), particularly as to guns.

This criticism is a perhaps a little mild when he refers to Holder as "a good, honest, sincere, hardworking person" when only the "hardworking" could even possibly begin to apply here.