
Friday, June 7, 2013

British MP Patrick Mercer Was "Misheard"

Hat tip Algemeiner

"You look like a bloody Jew."

Former British MP Patrick Mercer was caught on tape telling a reporter about his recent trip to Israel and a comment he made to a female soldier. He later claimed he was "misheard".

Here is the video. You can mishear it for yourself.

Did you mishear it?

1 comment:

Siarlys Jenkins said...

One learns to expect this sort of remark from conservatives. Reminds me of the scene in "Exodus" where the British officer explains to the Paul Newman character (disguised in British Army uniform) that "I can always tell a Jew, there's a look in their eyes." I'm sure everyone remembers the Newman character's response. "I think I have a speck in my eye, could you take a look?"