According to the below Fox News report, Mark Thompson, a high-ranking deputy in the State Department's Counter Terrorism unit is prepared to testify before the House of Representatives next week that then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Under Secretary for Management Patrick Kennedy worked to keep State's Counter Terrorism bureau out of the reporting and decision making in the Benghazi matter.
The walls around the Benghazi lies and cover up are cracking, and the people who know the truth are coming forward. Once their testimony is in the books under oath, it remains to bring Hillary Clinton back to testify under oath and refute these charges.
If these whistle blowers are telling the truth, it remains to be seen whether Clinton lied to Congress during her previous testimony. If that is the case, hopefully, it will mean the end of her sordid political career and aspirations to be our commander in chief.
The sheer contrivance and self-delusion of the UnTruth Squad exemplified by Fousesquawk et al. becomes more of a tangled mess with every new faux revelation.
Let's see, at one time the beef was that troops were ready to dispatch and clean up the situation, but were refused permission to go.
Now, some bureau in Washington that couldn't possibly have gotten to Benghazi on time, if it had forces to deploy, which it probably didn't, but that has the words "Counter Terrorism" in its name, was kept out of the loop. That's the hot potato?
Do you ever stick to one coherent line of reasoning for even a single day?
Just for curiosity-what was your opinion about Watergate-Much ado about nothing?
At the time ( I was in Washington DC for about 7 months of it) , I thought it was a witch hunt, but over the decades, I have concluded it was a witch hunt, but the witches were there.
"What difference, at this point, does it make?"
What's important is that Osama is dead and Al Quaeda is decimated!
Ooops. People don't want to forget about Bengahzi? There are still terror attacks by, uh, Muslim extremists?
Maybe if we erected a mosque at the end of the finish line of the Boston marathon they would like us better.
Looking forward to UCI's MSU speakers this next week who will explain how all this is Israel's fault.
Watergate was a burglary (felonious) committed by people dispatched by operatives of one political party to invade the offices of another political party, with the connivance or instigation of the President of the United States, and/or his immediate staff. I tried to get my hands on an old "Nixon's The One" button from 1968.
Benghazi was a homicidal attack launched by Ansar al-Shariah, or whatever they call themselves. It was not a crime committed by anyone in the White House.
See any difference?
One might question the split-second judgement of people in various military and civilian chains of command. One might say, this factor should have carried more weight, this should have carried less weight. One might say, more money should have been budgeted for this or that long before the attack occurred. One might say that certain protocols were inadequate and should be rewritten. There is no evidence that any crimes were committed by American forces or leadership.
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