
Friday, April 5, 2013

The Jobless Rate

"Good news, mein Fuehrer. We added 88,000 new jobs and the unemployment rate is down to 7.6%."

Now for the bad news.

First of all, 88,000 jobs in one month is not nearly enough to keep up with the new people entering the job market. We have some 90 million people unemployed, over 50 million on food stamps, and according to this report, the drop to 7.6% is only because almost 500,000 people just gave up and stopped looking for work-which removes them from the unemployment number.

"Ah wunnerful, ah wunnerful, ah."

1 comment:

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Obviously we need a socialist revolution to clear out the Geithner and Summers social democrats around President Obama. No more half way measures. And no more waiting for wimpy moribund hippies to occupy Wall Street.

Was that what you were trying to say? Or do you seriously want us to believe that Paul Ryan and John Boehner are offering prosperity for all hard working Americans? If you are, I have a title to the London Bridge I will sell you at a very reasonable price.