
Friday, April 5, 2013

Missing the Point on the Obama/Kamala Harris Flap

Kamala Hariis-Hot

So everybody is talking about how President Obama made a sexist boo-boo when he referred to California Attorney General Kamala Harris as the best-looking attorney general in the US. Now Obama has called Harris to apologize, and blah blah blah, woof woof woof, quack quack quack.

Let me make a few sexist observations on my own as a Californian.

1 Kamala Harris is a hottie, but Florida's Pam Bondi is hotter and a much better AG.

Pam Bondi- Hotter

2 Harris may be attractive, but she is a lousy attorney general. Previously, she was the DA of San Francisco, where she presided over a sanctuary city that would not cooperate with ICE in turning over illegal alien criminals. One result of that policy was a double homicide by an illegal alien gang member who had been released from jail and no notification made to ICE. In addition, she refused to seek the death penalty for any murder case. Finally, as attorney general, Harris has placed her priorities on prosecuting "corporate polluters" as opposed to violent criminals.

3 Finally, Harris is definitely better looking than her predecessor as California Attorney General, "Run down" Jerry Brown.

Save your cards and letters, all you feminazis. I don't care.

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