Hat tip Daily Caller

George Galloway: British Madcap Politician (in red)
British comedian George Galloway is rustling around in the attic again. Just a few days ago, George was defending yet another evil dictatorship-this time North Korea.
“North Korea has no intention to harm any of us. North Korea’s problem is with South Korea. South Korea exists because America invaded Korea, killed millions of people, divided the country and continues to garrison South Korea with military bases, nuclear weapons, chemical and biological weapon.”
I guess I read the wrong history book. The one I read said the Korean war started when North Korea invaded South Korea and the United Nations authorized forces made up of several countries to defend the South-led by the US, of course. Hell, even Turkey sent troops. Here for George's information is the Wikipedia entry on the Korean War:
George must have read the Wackypedia entry.
But it gets better:
“But there have been achievements in North Korea. They do have a satellite circling the earth. They have built a nuclear power industry even though they suspended it on false promises from President Clinton and other U.S. statesmen. They do have a cohesive, pristine actually, innocent culture. A culture that has not been penetrated by globalization and by Western mores and is very interesting to see.”
And there's more:
“there is crime and vice and wickedness everywhere in the United States.”
Well, who would know a wicked country when he sees one more than George Galloway, friend and confidant of countries like Iran, North Korea, Saddam Hussein's Iraq, Gaza under Hamas and Syria under Bashar Assad?
I guess North Korea is one of the last remaining countries that will allow him entry. I wonder if he was there at the same time as Dennis Rodman.
One wonders what sphincter all this Galloway hot air comes from.
"Wickedness"? Like adultery, George? Cheating on the mothers of your children-that kind of wickedness?
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