
Saturday, April 20, 2013

Bill Maher Gets One Right

Hat tip Daily Caller

I don't care much for Bill Maher, but in this exchange with California State University San Bernadino professor Brian Levin, he gets it right.

I don't know Mr Levin, but I did see him at at least one event at UC Irvine during the annual anti-Israel hate week a few years ago when he asked a critical question to one of the speakers.  I also exchanged e-mails with him around that time, and it was Levin who suggested I relay my concerns about anti-Semitism at UCI to Rusty Kennedy of the OC Human Relations Commission.

What a mistake that was.


Rusty Kennedy of the OC Human Relations Commission and purveyor of the annual Rusty Award (pictured below).

You owe me many many beers, Mr Levin


Findalis said...

Has Hell Frozen Over?

The Jakes said...

I don't know why Findalis is so surprised. Maher has been saying stuff like this for a while.

The kind of equivocation that's being done by the dude he's interviewing has been going on for a while now. Right now guys like Dawkins, Harris, etc. are being criticized for being "Islamaphobes" simply for criticizing the beliefs of Islam - which isn't the same thing as being an "Islamaphobe".