
Sunday, March 10, 2013

The Heroes of Jamla (Syria)

Hat tip Gates of Vienna, MRC-TV, Frontpage Magazine and Vlad Tepes

In case you are wondering (like me) who the good guys are in Syria and who the bad guys are, this video will not easily clear up that question. The below video (graphic) shows what happened when Salafist fighters (who we are apparently supporting) overran a pro-government outpost in Jamla, Syria. Gates of Vienna has the post. The English sub-titles were supplied by Vlad Tepes.

I note that many of the dead bodies of the "drunkards" had their hands tied behind their backs. I assume that means they were captured alive and executed.


At the beginning, my sympathies were with the Syrian civilians who were being murdered in cold blood by government forces while protesting. At this point, it's hard to separate the good from the bad. I also think we are on a fool's errand trying to thread the needle finding just the right faction(s) to support that will bring a pro-American, democratic government to Syria. All we are doing is getting more blood on our own hands. By many accounts, it was our government trafficking Libyan arms to these guys in Syria that led to Benghazi.

Maybe if we had competent people in charge, we could find a right way to go about this, but with Obama, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, John Brennan, Chuck Hagel, and James Clapper sorting things out, this is all guaranteed to end up as an unmitigated disaster. After all, this is the same crew that selected the America-hating, Jew-hating, 9-11-loving Samira Ibrahim to receive an International Woman of Courage award-whatever that is (since rescinded when outsiders who did their homework pointed out the woman's history to them.)

As a side note, just look at how Hagel's big trip to Afghanistan turned out this week (Hat tip Frontpage Magazine).

Doesn't exactly inspire confidence, does it? It is very tempting to just say, "bring them home now", but then we'll likely see that modern-day Temperance League narrator from the above Syrian video walking around Manhattan executing drunkards.

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