
Monday, March 11, 2013

The Case Against George Zimmerman Takes Another Hit

Hat tip PJ Media

Even more doubt has to be cast upon the murder case against George Zimmerman in the Trayvon Martin case. PJ Media reports that one of the chief witnesses against Zimmerman-the girl who was reportedly talking to Martin on a cell phone when the incident occurred-has been caught lying under oath to investigators.

History is replete with examples (remember Mark Fuhrman?) of prosecution witnesses being caught in a lie and acquittal resulting. Even if the prosecutor decides not to put the girl on the stand, this is open for the defense attorney to play with all day long.

Now the question is whether the prosecutor will go forward with the trial. I am guessing yes because of the social and political implications surrounding this case. If we truly care about the law, that would be unfortunate. Unless there is other compelling evidence out there that has not been released to the public, I do not see how they could convict this man. At some point, the judge is going to have to step in.


Siarlys Jenkins said...

You just can't stand to see a man convicted if the likes of Al Sharpton wants him to be. What do you think this is, a sports rivalry? Its not about cheering for your side, its about getting at the truth.

So one witness, who may not be essential to the case anyway, is caught in a lie, which may not directly refute the main point investigators took from her testimony.

Yes, her credibility is at issue, so she may not testify, but that would seem to have little to do with guilty or innocence, unless you are angling to get your preferred verdict out of the case, so you can write about it all with school yard humor.

Gary Fouse said...


Yes, it is a quest for truth and the likes of Sharpton and MSNBC have acted irresponsibly. If evidence comes forth that proves Zimmerman deliberately executed this young man then I will hope for his conviction. I don't see it yet. What I see is evidence that leans to acquittal. We should not be prosecuting someone simply because the victim was a certain race and we fear charges of racism or even riots if this guy goes free.

Findalis said...

How come every time Al Sharpton gets involved in a case it crumbles due to perjury? Think Twana Bradley, The Duke Stripper Scandal, and the of cause the infamous Crown Heights Riots.

Squid said...

The MSM, besides the tripe coming from the race-bater Sharpton and Commander and Chief (he would be like a son if I had one), have pushed the narrative of the young (12 year old picture of Travon), innocent youth, who was just walking in the neighborhood (with gold jewelry in his pockets). Actually, Travon was 17 years old, over six feet tall, was muscular and had a will developed physique, tattoos and a gold grill for his teeth. Another words, a gangster type. This picture of Travon was never published by the MSM propaganda machine.


Siarlys Jenkins said...

Squid, what you say may be true, but where is your copy of the real picture? I'm sure Gary would love to post it.

Al Sharpton is a clown who forgot to be funny, but just because Al Sharpton gets involved doesn't mean that nothing he joins could possibly be true. He was a johnny come lately on this one.