Robert Reich (l)
Robert Reich, the socialist former Labor secretary under Bill Clinton, is now a professor at UC Berkeley. That's bad enough, but now he comes out with this absurd op-ed in Business Insider, in which he basically accuses the Tea Party of treason for opposing President Obama's socialist agenda.
Interesting, wouldn't you say?
Forget the fact that the Tea Party is a grass-roots bunch made up mostly of middle aged or older folks who have spent their whole lives working, paying taxes, and obeying the law-as opposed to that Occupy bunch that Reich doesn't concern himself with. Forget the fact that Tea Party rallies have featured no disruption, no violence, no law-breaking and no trash lefty behind-as opposed to the Occupiers who Reich doesn't concern himself with. To Reich and his socialist colleagues, it is the Tea Party who is treasonous.
"Imagine a plot to undermine the government of the United States, to destroy much of its capacity to do the public’s business, and to sow distrust among the population."
"Imagine further that the plotters infiltrate Congress and state governments, reshape their districts to give them disproportionate influence in Washington, and use the media to spread big lies about the government."

"Finally, imagine they not only paralyze the government but are on the verge of dismantling pieces of it."

"It's easy if you try." (John Lennon)
"Sequestration is only the start. What they set out to do was not simply change Washington but eviscerate the U.S. government — “drown it in the bathtub,” in the words of their guru Grover Norquist – slashing Social Security and Medicare, ending worker protections we’ve had since the 1930s, eroding civil rights and voting rights, terminating programs that have helped the poor for generations, and making it impossible for the government to invest in our future". (Emphasis mine)
This is the ranting of a university professor, folks. Forget the fact that Obama took 716 billion out of Medicare to pay for Obamacare. "Invest", of course, means tax and spend. It's code language because they are afraid to call it what it is. And once again, Reich spits out the canard that Republicans, Tea Partiers, and conservatives want to erode civil rights. The "attacks" on voting rights are nothing more than trying to eliminate voter fraud.
"Instead, the President should let the public see the Tea Partiers for who they are — a small, radical minority intent on dismantling the government of the United States. As long as they are allowed to dictate the terms of public debate they will continue to hold the rest of us hostage to their extremism."
Tea Party
Occupy Wall Street
Treason? Extremism? Robert Reich has it backwards. I guess that's why he is now a university professor,.
How these socialist academics get into tier-one universities is beyond me. But, I can see the gradual move to the left and into socialism at the major universities, over the past 50 years. One asks the question: Where can one get a good university education without the indoctination from Marxists?
A good friend of mine sent his son to Notre Dame in order to avoid the brain washing.
I recommend Hillsdale College in Michigan.
He must have struck a nerve Gary.
Maybe you're afraid to hear the truth?
My mother, the Republican in the family, said something similar about the goals of the pathological zealots who now run the formerly grand old party: From Reagan on, they ran up huge deficits with the intent of being able to choke off programs they disapproved of, but which most voters appreciated, after running up sufficient debt to seize upon as an excuse.
My mother is probably the only Republican to complain that state and local taxes are disgracefully low.
I've been to a couple of Tea Party rallies and, in fact, the place is left better than when they came there. I suppose it is a respect for private property or they realize that if it is public property, it belongs to all of us and they wouldn't do anything to damage it.
They simply want smaller government, lower taxes, stronger military, and higher morality. Pretty subversive, huh?
Lefties believe it is an "Attack on Government" (like the War on Women). They forget that everything the government pays for or hands out comes from someone else. That someone else might have had a better economic use for that same amount of money he paid in taxes. Now he can't. He may have opened another store or line or invented and developed something. But the government thinks it knows better how that same money should be spent ... in negative incentives. People stay on welfare, on unemployment or on some phony disability claim.
Why work when there is that easier alternative.
They just don't want bigger government... they want more power.
They want to control all aspects of your life because they know better what is best for you.
Big centralized governments have failed everywhere it has been tried... starting with the Soviet Union. Countries like China and Israel didn't begin to have their economic growth until they adopted free market enterprise.
I don't want to go down the list of comparisons but suffice to say that Reich is as much an ideologue as Obama.
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