Hussam Ayloush (r) with Muslim Brotherhood cleric and Jew-hater Yusuf al Qaradawi
The CEO of CAIR's Southern California branch, Hussam Ayloush, has attacked Steven Emerson for his film, "The Grand Deception", calling it "Islamophobic". Here is Emerson's reply in the Orange County Register. Ayloush's op-ed and be accessed at the below link as well. (I have not seen the film.)
I have also added my own comment as a reader. It is based on the below information.
Apparently, Mr Ayloush has never learned the American proverb about people who live in glass houses.
I would like to hear an Ayloush/Emerson face-off at UCI.
So would I. Ayloush would never go one on one with Emerson because he knows Emerson has the goods on CAIR.
So would I. Ayloush would never go one on one with Emerson because he knows Emerson has the goods on CAIR.
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