
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Great Masked Ball in Washington

Did'ya watch the inauguration this week?

"Yeh, I did."

Did'ya catch Beyonce?

"Yeh, I did."

Well I saw it too. One thing I learned is that Beyonce is hot and can actually sing-even though it was lip-synqued as it turned out. Now I am starting to wonder if Obama lip-synqued his speech.

And wasn't Chuckie Shumer grand as master of ceremonies?

And the news media outdid itself with its gushing reportage. Beginning with CNN's Don Lemon making like Howie Mandel on the day before the inauguration, we witnessed Chris Matthews comparing the speech to the Gettysburg Address and Lincoln's inaugural address (as usual), Diane Sawyer getting all giddy, and Al Roker acting like a backstage groupie during the parade back to the White House.

Now let's talk about the inaugural address. Presentation- wise, it was vintage Obama. He is a wonderful public speaker. So what? So was Goebbels.

 I heard a lot of references to "we", "together" and "unity". Yet this was a pure declaration that liberal largess was the order of the day. This is the same president who has been telling John Boehner and the Republicans, "my way or the highway". This is the same president whose campaign called Mitt Romney everything from a tax-cheat, a criminal, to having killed some steel-worker's wife in Kansas City. This is the same president who has divided Americans on the basis of class and race through his own class envy rhetoric-which continued in the speech. I guess when he was referring to that privileged few, he was forgetting about his Hollywood friends, Washington insiders, Chicago insiders (like Valerie Jarrett), and capitalist cronies who are making fortunes from the government with their green energy and solar companies.

And who was that woman with Bill Clinton?

1 comment:

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Solid, on-point criticism of the punditry.

But Chris Matthews, Diane Sawyer, and their ilk aside, President Obama delivered an excellent speech, Senator Alexander gave an appropriate introduction, and it was the Marine Corps Band that was "syncing."

Oh, and Joe Biden made it through his entire oath without stumbling. Justice Sotomayor guided him well.

I don't try to keep track of Clinton's women.