
Friday, January 18, 2013

Piers Morgan Challenges Larry Elder

Last night, Piers Morgan, still on his American gun crusade, had on conservative talk show host Larry Elder on his CNN show.

"Piers Morgan, you've got a weak show."

Morgan unwisely chose to immediately challenge Elder on his (Elder's) long-standing assertion that the biggest problem facing the black community is the lack of a stable two-parent family and lack of fathers in the home. Morgan thinks it is guns. As Elder was explaining his position, Morgan, as he usually does, repeatedly tried to interrupt Larry, who would have none of it. Elder, at one point, had to tell Morgan to let him finish his sentence.  In spite of it all, Elder maintained his cool. He let Morgan make a fool out of himself-again.

How arrogant is it for this Brit (Morgan) to sit there and try to argue with Elder about an issue that is so obvious? Elder grew up in the inner city. Where did Morgan grow up? Yet that is what he does. The interview was surprisingly brief. I suspect Morgan cut it off quickly because he realized he was intellectually outmatched and could not bully his way through the interview. They don't call  Larry "the Sage" for nothing.


Findalis said...

What Elder has said (and recently wrote) is that it is not a Gun Problem but a Father Problem the Black Community has.

He is right. The idea of fatherhood has gone out the window in the Black Community. In fact the language of the ghetto already reflects this idea in the name: Baby Daddy. In fact it is an apt name for these boys. They cannot be called men, for they have no idea what manhood is and what the responsibilities that come with manhood. Instead we have a bunch of boys who refuse to grow up. While cute in a children's story is obscene in real life.

elwood p suggins said...

Morgan is a true, pure fool on just about any subject I can think of. If I am surfing I will sometimes watch, depending on who he has on. I caught most of his deal with Shapiro the other night, and am sorry I missed Larry Elder (I was Bingoing with Momma), but I can just about imagine how one-sided it was, like with Shapiro. You would think the guy, among many others, would learn something after a while, but I guess not. At the risk of appearing immodest, I think I believe that as sorry as he is, even I, just an ol’ country boy trying to get by the best I can, could give him a run for his money on a variety of topics. But maybe not, who knows??