
Thursday, January 10, 2013

Chas. Krauthammer's Take on Hagel

John Kerry, John Brennan and Chuck Hagel. These characters will make their predecessors look good-no mean trick. Here is what Charles Krauthammer has to say on the nomination of Chuck Hagel to be Defense Secretary.

I don't know what power the Republicans in Congress have left to combat Obama's determination to bring American down to the level of France (or worse), but they have serious work to do to stop these nominations.


Squid said...

Our "Post-American" President has done his best to go done his "fundamentally transform America" road in the first term. With his 1 trillion dollar a year deficit plan to ruin the economy, create every crisis possible in a Cloward-Pevin strategy and divide the country into groups designed to dislike (makers and takers) each other, crafted in a perfect Saul Alinsky "Rules for Radicals" maneuver, Obama set the pace in changing America into his ideological dream from the mentor, Frank Marshal.
Now in his second term, he is free to move very fast to thoroughly destroy what we know as our America. He will eviscerate our defense and make us a weaker nation that is vulnerable to China, Russia ad perhaps Iran and North Korea. This is where the inept and Israel hater Hagel comes in, becoming the Obama puppet.
We are in deep trouble and most of the American citizens do not realize it.


Siarlys Jenkins said...

What difference does it make what a tired old failure like Charles Krauthammer has to say about anything?

The man has a lot of American blood on his hands, squandered pursuing mirages in distance deserts.