
Thursday, December 20, 2012

Juan Williams' Take on the Robert Griffin III Controversy

Juan Williams is no conservative. He is a liberal to moderate Democrat who supports President Obama. Yet, I respect him as man who is intellectually honest and also brave enough to stand up to the politically correct enforcers on the left. In response to the outrageous comments by ESPN commentator Rob Parker about Washington Redskin quarterback Robert Griffin III, Williams has written the below piece, which I think merits a cross-post.

Today, black conservative radio talk show host, Larry Elder had this to say about the story. He asked why we don't go deeper into the way black conservatives in general are treated. Is it appropriate for ESPN to suspend Parker for 30 days (Parker has just publicly apologized to Griffin) while attacks against  other black conservatives get a pass? Elder singled out the recent attack on Herman Cain by MSNBC contributor Karen Finney as "a black man who knows his place". Well, at least she call him a "cornball brother".

Yes. In the immortal words of that idiotic British MSNBC host to whom the comment was made, Martin Bashir,


One can only wonder what Bashir's level of expertise is on what it is to be a black conservative in America. Here is this pompous Brit who brings on black commentators to call black conservative Americans, "Uncle Toms". Thank you for your contribution to our country, Mr Bashir.

This is the treatment meted out to people like Thomas Sowell, Shelby Steele, Walter Williams, Elder, and others who cross that politically correct line expected of them as African-Americans. Even Juan Williams has felt the sting because, unlike Finney and others, he is an independent thinker.

I say this as an independent voter who belongs to no party; the Republican party, with all its shortcomings, may have few black members. However, the ones they do have stack up quite well against the ones the Democrats have. I can start with Maxine Waters, Sheila Jackson Lee, Keith Ellison,  Barbara Lee, and go right down the line (John Lewis excepted) and compare them with people like Condi Rice, JC Watts, Allen West, and even Herman Cain. They (the Dems) don't match up. Most of them are victocrats and race-baiters.

You wonder why the liberals go apoplectic over black conservatives. The reason is that black conservatives show that blacks can succeed and prosper in America in 2012 without playing the role of victims. There are many problems still plaguing black America. White racism is far, far down the list.

1 comment:

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Williams has it about right, but someone has to ask these self-appointed spokespeople, "Who died and made you the annointed representative of every American of African descent, and who cares what you think anyway?"

Herman Cain... was a clown. But Republicans really do love any black candidate they can put up, and it is in part to pat themselves on the back and say "See, we're not racist." But its no bad thing to diversify in every direction.