
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Gun Violence: Joe Biden and Eric Holder are Working on it.

That's reassuring. The President is turning the issue of gun violence and what to do about weapons over to Joe Biden and Eric Holder.

"Attorney General Eric Holder said Wednesday that the administration will craft proposals for Congress to consider over the next few weeks. He said a "strong" Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives is also important". 

What is Holder going to do-start up another Operation Fast and Furious, which resulted in over two thousand assault weapons being all but escorted into Mexico with blue and yellow ribbons attached? Now, 300 deaths later, including Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry and likely ICE Agent Jamie Zapata plus a whitewash report, Eric Holder is going to find a way to save more lives. And Joe Biden? What can he contribute other than a few more verbal gaffes?

As for a "strong" ATF, what we have instead  is a demoralized agency that was taken over and corrupted by a politically-driven  Justice Department.

Ultimately, there is little they can do. How many tens of millions of weapons are out there? How many are already in the hands of criminals? As for assault weapons, I myself question the need for ordinary people to have them. For what purpose-to shoot deer by the herd? To ward off the Soviet Army a'la Red Dawn? I still strongly support the right for law-abiding citizens to possess handguns for protection of their families and homes in this violent society we live in. 

I don't know what the answer is since the barn door was left open way too long ago, but I do know that Biden and Holder are not the answer.


Squid said...

As I said before, the Newtown tragedy crisis will not be wasted by the Progressives, in order to take guns away from law abiding citizens. Gun control boils down to those who have control have the power.
What a shame! As we have learned, the shooter was mentally ill and his mother wanted to commit him. The action of the mother pushed him over the cliff. It is the issue of mental illness that needs to be addressed, as America gets a "D-" for mental health programs. So, the gun control minions will pull the attention away from the real problem, which is building and supporting mental health programs.
As far as assault weapons issues, if an assault weapon was not available to the shooter, he would have used a wheel gun. If guns were not available, he would have used a cross-bow and the anti-cross bow minions would move to bane cross-bows. If cross-bows were not available, the the perpetrator would have used sticks and stones, which would be banned as well. No mention of mental illness here.


Squid said...

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