
Sunday, December 9, 2012

Alejando Beutel on Unfair Targeting of Muslims

Alejandro Beutel is a government liaison official of the Muslim Public Affairs Council. In the above clip, he appeared on Chris Matthews' Hardball Show (presumably before Chris lost his mind), and tried to make the case that Muslims should not be singled out for any extra attention by TSA screeners trying to prevent terrorist attacks. This interview came in the wake of the attempted attack by the "Underwear Bomber" over Detroit.

The below clip is a 2009 interview on al Jazeera, where Beutel  debates against Kamal Nawash of Free Muslims Against Terror.  Here, Beutel argues that the FBI is unfairly targeting Muslims in the war on terror.

Beutel is a scheduled speaker at the MPAC conference on December 15, 2012 at the All Saints Episcopal Church in Pasadena, where, I guess he will make the same points.

Here is an article on Beutel from the Investigative Project on Terrorism. Among other issues, Beutel criticizes the FBI in 2010 over the shootout that killed radical Detroit imam Luqman Abdulla (who pulled a gun and started firing when agents moved in to make the arrest).

It is instructive that Beutel chooses to give an interview to Iran's English-language Press TV in which he criticizes America.

It appears that Beutel thinks we should fight the war on terror completely neglecting Muslims. It reminds me of those politically correct Hollywood movies showing our anti-terror forces fighting against Yugoslavians.

1 comment:

Miggie said...

It is interesting in the video that Al Jazeera claims over and over that there are 6 to 7 million Muslims in America. Actually, it is between 2 and 3 million. See

They are fibbing. What an astounding revelation!