
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

A History of Israel You Won't Hear in the Universities

Hat tip to Blue Truth and Pro-Israel Bay Bloggers

The below article by Blue Truth (and cross-posted in Pro-Israel Bay Bloggers) gives us an account of the Israel-Palestinian conflict that you probably have never heard on your university campuses and in the classrooms from your biased professors. It is in response to false reporting put out by the (anti-Israel) Jewish Voice for Peace.

Jewish Voice for Peace, in case you didn't know, is a group of left-wing anarchists who are solidly in line with the Palestinian cause of destrying Israel. Their tactics include disrupting the speaking appearances of those who defend Israel, as was the case a couple of years back when Bibi Netanyahu spoke in New Orleans (above). They call it, "Direct Action". Like others on the far left and pro-Palestinians, they do not believe in according the right of free speech that they themselves enjoy.


Siarlys Jenkins said...

This attempt to set the record straight is still a partisan rant. The inescapable fact is, even given the historic association of Judaism with with the lands where Judea and Samaria once existed, there WERE people living there. True, a small number of Ashkenazi settled under Ottoman rule, legally, purchasing title to land, but that does not purchase sovereignty, nor the right to disfranchise previously settled neighbors about their own political future.

There was no "empty" land in the world where "the Jews" could establish their own state. Thus, however noble a goal in itself, it inevitably left a tragic footprint.

Gary Fouse said...


Imagine that tomorrow every Jew in Israel converted to Islam.

End of problem?

Miggie said...

If I'm not mistaken, one of the graduates of the Olive Tree Initiative trips and spokesman for it has gone on and is involved with this Jewish Voice for Peace organization.

Isn't it a marvel what a progressive education will produce?

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Gary, that is not only a strained hypothetical, but has no apparent connection to anything under discussion.

Why would you even offer such patent nonsense?