
Friday, November 16, 2012

Unions Kill the Hostess Twinkie

Hostess, the long-time maker of Twinkies, will be shutting down due to a nation-wide union strike. Over 18,000 jobs will be lost.

"Look for the union label", goes the jingle.


Anonymous said...

Seems like Hostess was slowly killing the Twinkie long before the union had its strike. Did you not read the whole article? They had plenty of problems long before then.

Gary Fouse said...


Well they don't have any more problems now.

elwood p suggins said...

What is a decent wage for a Twinkie maker, anyway??

elwood p suggins said...

P.S.--Siarlys might not like Twinkies, but those Hostess cupcakes were/are great.

Also, do not forget that killing the goose is SOP for union stuff.
A union would threaten to, or actually, strike over getting a 15-minute break morning and afternoon, while simultaneously be offended and indignant if its members were expected to work a little later, or take a little check docking, if they clocked in a little late. What goes around comes around, ot at least seems to me like it should.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

what seems to elwood is inversely related to the square of what goes on in the universe we inhabit. But he talks a good line, and I'm sure he sincerely believes this fantasy of compassionate managers and evil employees.