
Monday, November 12, 2012

Allen West: Partial Re-Count Says, "No Harm-No Foul"

141% voter turnout

Florida election officials now say that a partial re-count of votes in Florida's 18th district shows that a few hundred votes were, indeed, counted twice, but not enough to change the outcome. They have declared Patrick Murphy the winner. Allen West is asking for a full re-count.


Anonymous said...

How would voter ID laws have prevented this?

Gary Fouse said...


Maybe voter ID would not have prevented this particular problem just as it wouldn't have prevented Al Franken from getting all those votes found in the trunk of a car.

Squid said...

Anonymous said...
How would voter ID laws have prevented this?

If careful attention is paid to addresses and names in association with the addresses, a voter ID system could work to reduce voter fraud. Will it stop all voter fraud? No is the answer to that question. But when voter precincts get 141 %, we must stop the zombies, walking dead, Mickey Mouse and Goofy from getting to the voting booths.

I think you would agree to this need to start voter ID in those troubled areas.


Anonymous said...

So then what is the point of voter ID laws since they don't prevent any problems that might actually exist?

Siarlys Jenkins said...

A few hundred votes is 41% ???

Either that's a very small district, or almost nobody bothered to register.

Seems like Gary posted an inflated figure in all good humor, and Squid takes it as a factual news account...

Gary never has documented that passing reference to a trunk full of ballots. He just keeps offering the insinuation, without evidence that it ever happened.