
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

We Have to Get the Truth About 9-11-12 From Canadian Media

Canadian commentator Brian Lilley of Sun News tells us here in the US what our own media and government will not tell us about the attacks on September 11. It had nothing to do with a video.


Siarlys Jenkins said...

SUN NEWS? Isn't that the outfit that is a few degrees better than the National Enquirer, and a few degrees closer to the gutter than the British outfit that was hacking murder victims' cell phones... the one owned by the same guy who financed Fox News???

Now, moving on to substance, if any. We already know that there are little cliques who want to free the blind Sheikh, revenge the death of al-Qaeda leaders... but what gives them opportunities to work up mass support is provocations like the juvenile film clip on YouTube... its all in the mix. With a good sized crowd, a dozen different causes could hold press conferences around the fringes of the rioting mob... and/or send in well-trained armed teams under the same cover.

In short, it could ALL be true, and then, the conclusions would have to be more carefully thought out. But we know Republicans in congress don't search for truth.

Didn't you ever follow the twice-annual protests outside the International Monetary Fund building? Every cause in the USA showed up, with their own banners, plus the insipid "United We March."

Gary Fouse said...

What did the commentator say that was not true?

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Let's assume all his "facts on the ground" were true. Its possible. His rant about what those facts mean were all unsupported, and he lent them a very thin veneer of plausibility by leaving out ten times as many facts that are also relevant.

Don't you teach your English students about that sort of thing in developing persuasive writing skills?

I really DON'T imagine you teach them

a) pull the facts that lend some plausibility to your own viewpoint, scrap the rest, then,

b) remember that any lie told often enough, people will believe it is true.

Gary Fouse said...

NO Siarlys,

I teach them that they can use facts to support their opinions.


Siarlys Jenkins said...

That's exactly what I expected Gary. You are a competent professional and a man of integrity, even if you are often short-sighted and plain wrong in your political pronouncements.

This reporter you feature above needs to take a few of your classes, badly.