
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

A Warning From the Obama Campaign

"Listen up. Our records show youse ain't contributed to the President's re-election campaign yet."

As you know, I get e-mails daily from the Obama campaign asking me to send money. Some are so funny, I post them here. This one, from someone named Ann Marie Habershaw, takes the cake.  Little did I know that I, your humble blogger, have an official Obama "Supporter ID number".

ID Supporter number 1014992415.

Furthermore, I am being reminded that I have not contributed one thin dime to the Obama campaign.

I guess that means Vinnie and Sluggo will be paying me a visit soon.

From: Ann Marie Habershaw, Add to Addresses Block Sender
Date: Wednesday, October 10, 2012 1:28 PM
To: (deleted)Add to Addresses
Subject: Listen up:
Size: 13 KB
Obama - Biden
Friend --

This week, we need to make some of the last, tough choices about what the final push of this grassroots organization will look like -- where we can compete and how fiercely.

It's a close race, and you hold the power here. According to our records associated with this exact email address:

-- Your supporter ID is: 1014992415
-- Most recent donation: $0
-- Total amount donated in 2012: $0

It looks like you haven't given yet. That may be because you gave using a different email address than you're using now -- if we've got this wrong, I apologize.

But if you indeed have not yet given, there's still time. Just not very much -- this Friday is one of our last opportunities to plan for the final weeks of this campaign.

Can you give $5 or more today ahead of this Friday's big budget deadline? That's just 19 cents for each day we have left.

We're looking at what we have in the bank by Friday at midnight in order to determine how many more offices we can open, how many new field organizers we can hire, and how fiercely we can compete in critical battleground states.

As we face these difficult decisions, the President needs your support if we're going win.

Chip in $5 or more now, before the big budget deadline:


Ann Marie

Ann Marie Habershaw
Chief Operating Officer
Obama for America

P.S. -- A little perspective. If we win this election, ordinary Americans will have sent a powerful message to outside groups and special interests: We've got this.

Paid for by Obama for America
Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.
This email was sent to: (deleted)
If that is not your preferred email address, you can update your information here.
We believe that emails are a vital way for the campaign to stay in direct contact
with supporters. Click here if you'd like to unsubscribe from these messages.
This campaign is a community, and all ideas are welcome.
We appreciate any feedback you might have -- positive or negative.
Click here to contact the campaign with any questions or concerns.
Obama for America, P.O. Box 803638, Chicago, IL, 60680


Siarlys Jenkins said...

Hey, she apologized in advance in case she got it wrong... but she didn't. I'm sure her information is quite accurate. Gary Fouse hasn't given anything.

I got this letter too. I have more cause to be upset, because they said I've donated $33.75, when actually, since then, I've donated $200, and now I'm all tapped out.

But I'm still voting for him. And no, there have been no goon squads at my door. I probably have two different ID numbers, maybe via, different email addresses.

You'd think they'd get this stuff cross-referenced. The data they are required by federal law to keep is identical.

Findalis said...

DAILY???? I've been getting them 5 times a day or more.

Gary Fouse said...

Really? What is your supporter ID number?

Findalis said...

Never looked Gary. But the Obama team is desperate in their appeals.

elwood p suggins said...

Being such a sensitive person, my feelings are really hurt. I have received neither an e-mail nor snail mail nor a phone call (not even robo) from the Obama campaign. Guess they already know I am a lost cause, or perhaps I am somehow being discriminated against???

Siarlys, your money would be better spent buying a one-owner used car from me.

Gary Fouse said...


In my case, I guess I am like the Muslim Brotherhood. The Obama folks think I am on their side.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

elwood, I am half way through a ten year warranty on a standard-transmission car which is running very well. When the warranty runs out, I hope to be in a position to get an electric, because the costs go down to two cents a mile, and the maintenance required is much less. OF course, I have to get myself into a place with off-street parking. You can't run an extension cord out to the street from an apartment and expect it to be there next day.

I expect you're just not the kind of guy who gets on any mailing lists. I volunteered on this and that in 2004 and 2006, candidates share their lists with each other, soon I'm getting daily emails from Ohio...

Gary, I'm not so sure. Maybe they got a list of college professors in California and figured they're all Democrats. If they read Fousesquawk, that would have planted the notion in their mind.

I recall that a fundraising letter to pay Bill Clinton's legal bills found its way into the mailbox of one Dr. Lewinsky. And then there's the friend of mine, married over 20 years, who received a phone call offering membership in a singles club. He listened for half a minute, then replied "You're database sucks."

Findalis said...

I finally got my letter:

-- Your supporter ID number is: 1003640488
-- Your most recent online donation was: $0
-- Total amount donated online in 2012: $0

I feel so special, NOT!

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Everything is OK now. I've gotten emails acknowledging the $200, asking for more, and saying that I, like Gary and Findalis, have given nothing.

I probably have 3 different ID numbers, but like Findalis, I haven't been checking closely.