
Monday, October 1, 2012

The Univision Report on Fast and Furious

Hat tip Red State

Via Red State, here is a ten-minute video of Univision's report on Operation Fast and Furious in which they identified an additional 57 weapons used in violent crimes in Mexico. The video is in Spanish, but with English sub-titles. It is at times graphic.

1 comment:

elwood p suggins said...

I cannot for the life of me understand why Hispanic/Spanish-speaking Americans in general, and Mexican-Americans in particular, whether they speak Spanish or not (I put in that disclaimer because I once had a guy work for me who was of sterotypical Mexican descent in both name and physical appearance, but who spoke even less Spanish than I did, which wasn't much), are not absolutely furious with Obama and his administration over this boondoggle, perhaps to the point of at least temporarily changing their political philosophy/affiliation.

I know that the great bulk of people hurt/killed by these U.S. Government furnished weapons were "only" Spanish-speaking foreign nationals in Mexico and elsewhere, and not Americans, but the old saw about blood being thicker than water is quite visible/apparent in many other areas involving Hispanics (as well as blacks and other ethnic groups), so why not now??

I must be (excuse me) missing something in the translation.