
Sunday, October 7, 2012

Stuart Varney Speaks Truth to California

Hat tip to Linnea

Stuart Varney is the economic analyst for Fox News. In this 2-minute clip, he describes the mess that is California, which now is experiencing another gas price spike.

Of course, what Stuart left out was the fact that we already pay another 50+ cents per gallon for some special additive that saves the environment. In addition, our once and present governor, "Run-Down" Jerry Brown, has a measure on the November ballot that would increase taxes for another 3 years- for the children, er education. But who's quibbling?

1 comment:

Miggie said...

Atwater, in Merced county, one of the richest agricultural areas in the world (formerly) has declared an emergency. This is the prelude to declaring bankruptcy. This would be the fourth California city to go bankrupt.

Stockton, San Bernardino and Mammoth Lakes have all gone into bankruptcy court since June. Across California, the world’s ninth-biggest economy, foreclosures and fallout from the worst recession since the 1930s have depleted property-tax revenue while municipalities are burdened with rising costs.

All this evidence is the state of affairs when liberals are in power!
It is not that they are particularly inept or corrupt, it is just that their POLICIES are wrong. They misplace priorities. They put into effect programs that have negative consequences for the whole (while perhaps capturing some small constituency to please)

Want four more years of this or worse? Vote Obama - no matter what.