When I went though MP School in 1966, it was located at Ft Gordon, Georgia. Subsequently, it moved to Ft McClellan, Alabama, and finally to Ft Leonard Wood. What a difference. Instead of old wooden barracks and some classroom buildings, the current facility occupies a major part of the post, with state of the art training facilities, a museum, and a memorial.
First we were given a general briefing by Colonel Chris Henshaw. We were then taken on a tour of the facility, museum, lunch at a mess hall-er, dining facility( the menu even tells you how many calories , sodium and grams of fat each dish has.) and the simulated firing range. In the evening we had dinner with the commander, General Inch and members of his staff including Lt Colonel Vereen, who is a second cousin to Ben Vereen the actor. I cannot describe how impressive these men and women are. That will be the subject of a separate posting when I get home.
On to Branson.
404 MP Co alumni at MP School
404 MP wives
WW II barracks
MP Memorial Grove
Below: Our dinner hosts: General Inch and his staff
Gary "no photos" What's going on?
I got it now. It was transferring from cell phone to email to blog. I have to first send the pics to my picture gallery on my computer. Problem fixed.
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