Greetings from St Robert, Missouri, home of Ft Leonard Wood. I am spending this week in Missouri for my Army reunion. Can't say much about the Democratic convention because I am not watching it.
After getting into St Louis, last night, I checked into my hotel and went to see the Cardinal game. The new Busch Stadium is awesome from the outside. Inside, it's impressive, but too big for my taste. Lots of big neon scoreboards and signs and a triple deck piled on top of luxury boxes.
St Louis is a great baseball town with the classiest fans in the country. They support their team but respect the opposing teams and their fans,.
This is the first time I have gotten a decent look at the city. The downtown is interesting, but very old looking with some new buildings sprinkled into the downtown.
Today, I drove down to St Robert, home of Ft Leonard Wood. Tomorrow, we will be touring the Military Police school and dining in the mess hall with the troops for lunch and dinner at the officers' club. Then on to Branson.
Oh yes. Once I got back from the game, I caught the network reports on the DNC. II saw clips of Michelle Obama's speech. For what I saw, her delivery was good-like having a conversation with the audience. Trouble is I just don't get this stuff about how poor her and Barack had it early in their marriage.
Of course, Chris Matthews was ecstatic. He looked like me after the Steelers had won the Superbowl. He was such a sourpuss in Tampa last week.
I got a real kick out of that quote from Kathleen Sibelius, the wicked witch of the Midwest.
"Being a mother is not a liability, and being a woman is not a pre-existing condition."
And how about Sandra Fluke? She reminds me of why I married a Mexican gal.
I hear they switched Obama's speech from the stadium to indoors. Something about the weather forecast. Probably the real reason is they can't fill that stadium for Obama. So there will be no Greek colums and all that "people of the world" jazz. I hear that according to the weatherman, the weather will be fine.
My last year in the USCG was spent working the river out of Memphis. Had to go to STL for a meeting at the (now defunct) district two office. Did a little drinking across the river in E. STL and came close to spending the night in the slammer.
No point here, but I always think of this episode when I think of STL.
I spent my earliest days as a cadet, training at Ft. Leonard Wood. Hard to remember much about it now besides all the mud I crawled through.
St. Louis does have the greatest fans. Just for fun, turn on the sports channel and you will be blown away about the level of minutia the fans know... who roomed with who in college, what promising left hand pitcher could be coming up from the minors, if such and such batter gets X number of hits in this month it will be the second most ever for a fielder in his position in the last 25 years, and on and on.
You can just listen and marvel at all they know about the game.
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