Yesterday was a day filled with anger for me. I started the day watching the horrific images of 9-11. Worse yet, it seems Egyptians and Libyans decided to celebrate 9-11 in their own way. Our embassy in Cairo was stormed, and our flag ripped to shreds to be replaced with some black Islamic flag similar to the Al Qaeda flag (Yes, they have a flag). Last night, I went to bed in the knowledge that our consulate in Benghazi, Libya had been stormed and one American diplomat killed.
This morning, I learn that 4 Americans are dead in Benghazi including our ambassador, Chris Stevens. The White House is vowing "to leave no stone unturned" in a search for the killers. Good luck with that. Unless whoever in charge in Libya decides to get them and quickly kill them, there will be no justice.
I have a hard time accepting the excuse that these animals were enraged over some anti-Muslim film produced in the US. This was the 11th anniversary of 9-11. In addition, the statement that the Cairo embassy put out was shameful.
In the case of Egypt, this is the nation we have been giving $2 billion a year to in foreign aid since the glorious days of Jimmy Carter. It has been essentially bribe money to keep the peace with Israel. Now that peace treaty is on its death bed. In addition, we have just awarded $1.5 billion to our "friends" who are now running Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood, which is a bribe to stay at peace with Israel and not hate us too openly.
In the case of Libya, we helped (leading from the rear) to liberate that country from Ghaddafi. How much are we giving them in foreign aid? And this is what we get. We should have learned our lesson a year ago when they trashed the British Commonwealth military cemetery. Yet, here is an excerpt from Hillary Clinton's statement:
"But we must be clear-eyed, even in our grief. This was an attack by a small and savage group – not the people or Government of Libya. "
Translation? Business as usual.
We need a government that has enough sense to recognize who our friends and enemies are. We can't buy the love of these fanatics in the Middle East (and Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan). If this is what our diplomats have to face in these countries, it is time to come home. In Afghanistan, our own troops are being shot by the Afghani "troops" they are supposedly training and fighting with.
It is time to come home and bring our money with us. We need it here at home. It is also time to stop handing out visas to these countries for their people to come to the US and foment their age-old hatreds upon us in our own country. The only visas we should be giving in these countries are to the religious minorities who are being persecuted.
Do you think President Allen West would continue "business as usual" with these hellhole countries? Hardly.
My solution to all this remains simple: Build a wall around it. Nobody gets in and nobody gets out.
There is some interest in the possiblity that intel was available to the U.S. about a potential attack on the U.. embasy in Libya. If there was intel, and fox News is investigating, a fact that Obama had not attended a daily intel meeting for the week prior to the attack. It is also a fact that Bush never missed an intel meeting.
The MB says if you give them an apology and a couple of more billions they will stop the riots.
I say start flying sortees over Egypt. Up and down the Nile with emphases on the Aswan Dam. That will stop the riots.
Did I miss something? Is Allen West the Republican nominee for President?
No, but I wish he were.
@ Squid
The Israelis gave the US a warning a week ago. It was in all the Israeli papers yesterday.
This is what happens when you miss your daily intelligence briefings.
@ Fidalis
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