(The word in Russian is "spasiba".)
On the last night of the DNC convention, as a retired Navy Admiral spoke in tribute to our military, behind him on a screen flashed images of RUSSIAN Navy ships.
Anyway, that's according to this article by Sam Fellman in the Navy Times.
Did they show any images of any Navy Corpsemen, be jeezuz?
This just illustrates how much regard the Democrats really have for our military. They treated this thing so sloppily they couldn't even show US ships.
Here are some suggestions for the next Democratic convention in 2016 (when they nominate Hillary Clinton).
A tribute to WW II vets.
A tribute to Korean War vets.
A tribute to Viet Nam vets (speech by Jane Fonda )
A tribute to Desert Storm and Operation Iraqi Freedom vets
How about a tribute to Revolutionary War vets?
And finally, a tribute to the Seals who killed Usama bin Laden.
But yes, the Democratic Convention was a "huge success" and Obama has gotten a big jump in the polls.
God save this country.
"FORWARD" comrade Fouse.
Seriously, I do not thinkthat this Russian Navy ship swap was a mistake.
How on Earth could equipment of the Soviets (err Russians) be mistaken for U.S. warships. Any dolt can tell the difference from miles away.
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