General Martin Dempsey
Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff
Just what is the Obama administration doing to our military? Here is how our brass is combatting the murders of our troops by Afghan government soldiers.
More sensitivity training.
This is truly absurd.
I'll tell you something else. This General Martin Dempsey, who is the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, does not impress me. As much as it pains me to criticize anyone in the military, this guy strikes me as a politically-correct stooge for Obama.
Certainly, some degree of cultural education for troops going to a foreign country is appropriate. The problem is that no amount of sensitivity training is going to bridge the cultural and religious divide in Afghanistan. They do not accept the presence of infidel troops on their land fighting other Muslims. How many more coalition troops are going to sacrificed on the altar of political correctness?
Osama is dead. Time to leave.
We should get the hell out. But until the last soldier is homeward bound, it never hurts to learn a little more about the people of the country you are stationed in. Winning hearts and minds does require a certain sensitivity to local customs.
If the team that sent those Korans to the dump sight had known better, a number of those Americans would be alive today.
But I hate the phrase "sensitivity training."
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