So President Obama has told 60 Minutes that the recent events in the Middle East are "bumps in the road". Some bumps. The whole Muslim world is up in arms against us and using a previously obscure anti-Muslim video as an excuse. Our ambassador to Libya and 3 others were slaughtered by the very people we helped to liberate from Qaddafi. Our entire system of diplomatic security in that region is under question-especially now that we have learned from Ambassador Chris Stevens' diary that he was a target of al Qaeda, who were especially active in Benghazi. Do you really believe that he did not signal those concerns to State Department hqs in Washington? I don't, and if I am correct, Hillary Clinton has even more explaining to do as to the woeful security at the Benghazi consulate.
And Obama says it is a "bump in the road".
Is it also a bump in the road that in recent months we have seen over 50 coalition soldiers in Afghanistan gunned down by the Afghani troops they were supposed to be training and fighting with?
Gregory Buckley Sr of Long Island doesn't think so. He recently lost his son, Gregory Jr, 21(pictured above), who was a Marine. Gregory was killed by an Afghan government soldier. His Dad has now sent a letter to Obama asking him to bring the troops home. He could accept it if his son were killed in battle trying to kill the al Qaeda types. That he was gunned down by someone who was supposed to be on the same side is something Mr Buckley cannot accept. He cannot understand why he has lost his son in this manner.
Today the president is in New York City once again. Do you think he would care enough to spend a little time in Long Island with the Buckleys, who have lost faith in him as a commander-in-chief? Not likely. I really don't think he cares about the troops.
Mr Buckley raises an important question: What is it we are now fighting for in Afghanistan if the Afghani army is killing our guys? If the answer is nation-building, I say bring them home now. We have already proven we can send targeted drones across borders to kill bad guys.
Afghanistan is once again proving it is the "graveyard of empires". Ultimately, it is destined to remain a 7th century backwater. Unless it is still a battlefield in the war against al Qaeda, it is useless to try and bring reform to this forsaken land.
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