
Sunday, September 16, 2012

How Responsible Was Hillary Clinton for Benghazi?

Hat tip to The Independent and Doc's Talk

"Quoting senior diplomatic sources, the paper reports, “the US State Department had credible information 48 hours before mobs charged the consulate in Benghazi, and the embassy in Cairo, that American missions may be targeted.” Nonetheless, “no warnings were given for diplomats to go on high alert and ‘lockdown,’ under which movement is severely restricted.” 

It is high time for Congress to ask Hillary Clinton some serious questions under oath about State Department's security measures leading up to the attacks in Egypt and Libya. In the below posting from Doc's Talk, and The Independent, it appears there were warnings, and they were not heeded.

If the allegations are accurate, Clinton has some explaining to do. Yet, she is giving us this narrative that all this was a spontaneous reaction (on 9-11) to some video produced in 2011. Just because the extremists are using it as an excuse is no reason we have to as well. Here is what our UN ambassador Susan Rice told Chris Wallace.

“This was not a pre-planned, pre-meditated attack,” she said on Fox News Sunday. “What happened initially was a spontaneous reaction to what had just transpired in Cairo as a consequence of the video. People gathered outside the embassy and then it grew very violent. People with extremist ties joined the fray and came with heavy weapons—which, unfortunately, are quite common in post-revolutionary Libya—and that then spun out of control.”

Why, for example, was the Cairo embassy sending out tweets condemning the video and disassociating themselves from it? Because they knew a demonstration was coming. What about the reports that Cairo Marines were not allowed to load their weapons?

And what about the arrangements in Benghazi? Did State turn down a request to put Marines at the consulate? And who were these Libyan guards that supposedly fought side by side with us? Not according to this report, which claims they simply ran away. Is it any wonder that DOS spokeswoman Victoria Nuland has told reporters they won't be answering any more questions as to the level of preparedness in Benghazi?

And frankly, I am getting a little tired of Clinton's warm statements about how the Libyan people carried Ambassador Stevens' body to a hospital (He was unaccounted for for about 12 hours according to reports.) In fact, there are photos showing Stevens (apparently dead) being dragged through the streets by the mob. The pictures are out there if anyone cares to view them. I have thus far chosen not to post them. The other reports (still unconfirmed) indicate that he was brutally abused and sodomized.

We send Marine Guards overseas to guard our missions for a purpose. They are not there to look pretty in their dress uniforms. When I was overseas with DEA, I saw first hand their professionalism. The problem is they have to operate under the direction of the embassy.

If it is the position of State that there were no warnings about this episode in Libya, then somebody is in hot water if it turns out not to be true.

1 comment:

Squid said...

Very interesting! The Jerusalem Post knew that there was a strong possibility that there maybe an attack on our Embassy. It appears that the State Department had information 48 hours prior to the attack. Although, the President had not been to one of his "Intel" briefings for the week prior to the attack not the day before the attack. If Hillary did know, it most likely would not get to his office. In addition, Obama was busy meeting with Premier David Letterman that week.
One has to remember, who cuts Hillary's check and Rice's check. No wonder they are willing to distort and deceive the American public. Allen West came straight out and called Rice a lier. He also asked where her did she gain the expertise allowing her to evaluate the tactics of the attack, knowing she has none.

Hillary has a hard time looking at the truth, as she looks away to maintain power and position.
