Todd Akin Paul Ryan
"There goes the South"
"They know what we meant."
Forget about the economy. Forget about the war on terror. The issues that really matter today are what that dopey guy in Missouri said and the "revelation" that Paul Ryan has a black sister-in-law and dated a black girl in college. These are the issues on which the election hinges on-at least this week.
I had never heard of Todd Akin until he came out with that preposterous statement about how a woman's body shuts down the reproductive process during a "legitimate" rape. Now he is the plat du jour on the MSNBC menu. Not only that, but the sleuths have discovered that he and Paul Ryan co-sponsored a bill in the House of Representatives as part of this so-called "War on Women"( which is one of the most ludicrous campaign themes I have ever heard of). Of course, the real sin of Akin and Ryan is that they are anti-abortion-er, excuse me-against a woman's RIGHT TO CHOOSE. The lefties are stretching this to make it appear that Akin and Ryan want to burn women at the stake who claim rape. Just this morning on our local (SoCal) far far left, anti-capitalist radio station KPFK, one hysterical woman said they wanted to "criminalize miscarriage".
Having said that, Akin is now showing himself to be a total jerk as the Republican Party from the RNC to Romney and Ryan are asking him to drop out of the race against "Claire-Bear" McCaskill for the Senate seat in Missouri. Akin is refusing. Like all the other pols, he is stating that "we" have given it great thought, but "we" are determined to stay in because they know what "we" meant by the comment.
Must be a mouse in his pocket. It was HE who made the stupid comment to begin with. Now control of the Senate may fall on this guy and his comment.
And now-since the real reason to attack Akin is to get to Ryan- we hear that Ryan has a black sister-in-law and had a black sweetheart in college. (Full coverage at 11). And who is jumping all over this? The liberals, that's who. This morning, I was listening to a talk show (The Answer) featuring Heidi Harris, Ben Shapiro (both conservatives) and Brian Whitman (liberal) discussing this non-news. It was Whitman who was piously proclaiming (based on his extensive reading about Southern politics) that a certain portion of the white Republican vote in the South will never vote for Ryan because of this.
Hey Brian! It's a new South. Your history books are outdated.
But there is good news on the horizon. The conventions are coming. The DNC will feature jumah prayers and the RNC will feature Occupy riots. We're watching history, folks. The decline and fall of America.
"I tried to tell'em, but they wouldn't listen."
"We're watching history, folks. The decline and fall of America."
Yes. We survived the Revolution, the Civil War, the Great Depression, and World War II (not to mention lots of stuff in between) but THIS is where we finally go down the toilet.
Call me crazy, but I've read my history and we've gotten through much worse. And you call yourself a patriot? How about believing in America? (Or am I wrong? Are you not a patriot? I just assume that you would call yourself that.)
--Anonymous 703
No, I am a Steeler.
This too shall pass.
(Akin merely exposed to public view the intellectual depth of the Republican Party: a mile wide and an inch deep.)
As for Ryan's black sister-in-law, if any, it may hurt in the south, but nobody in their right mind would be the first to open their mouth about it.
Anyway, most people who continue to choose to think of themselves as "white" are just aching to prove they're not racist. What better opportunity than to vote for a conservative Republican with a black sister-in-law?
Its been a long time since the KKK tried to blow up Condoleeza Rice.
This is a feckless ploy by the Democrats to convince women that Republicans are not nice to them. The Dems are so stupid in this move, as they spin their talking points to associate Ryan with Akin. Akin is a light-weight in comparison to other Demoratic women haters such as:
Al Gore and his liason.
Antonio Villarigos and his Spanish T.V. reporter
Edward "Ted" Kennedy and Chappaquiddck
Bill Clinton and his many affairs
John Edwards and extra-maritl affairs
Elliot Spitzer and his sex scandal
Anthony Weiner and his weeiner
Gavin Newsom doing his best friends wife
Yes indeed, the Democratic party, lover of womens' rights. Not!!!
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