"Heigh ho, heigh ho, it's off to work we go"
I swear I could never had made this up in a million years. PJ Media has uncovered DOJ documents relating to their new aggressive hiring policy: Dwarfs and people with psychiatric or severe intellectual problems are now given special hiring priority.
You can't make this up.
So if you're a dwarf or have psychiatric issues, you don't need (fill in the other requirement).
Asst Attorney General Theodore Kazcynsky- Has sort of a nice ring to it, no?

You're hired too.
Ths explains it all, as the DOJ has been making Schizoid decisions right from the start. Lets start with selling assaut rifles to the Mexican cartels.
Reminds me of Senator Roman Hruska's speech in defense of Harold Carswell's nomination to the Supreme Court. "There are lots of mediocre people in America. They deserve to be represented on the court too."
Right you are, Siarlys! They currently have 4 reps on the court as we speak, Sotomayor, Ginsburg, Breyer and Kagan. One more and the mediocrities shall rule.
You must have picked blindfolded.
Incidentially, we might agree that Roberts is not a mediocrity.
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