Talk about taking political correctness to a new extreme. Soeren Kern, writing for the Gatestone Institute, tells us what British kids are learning in school.
Pretty ridiculous, right?
Think that could never happen here in the US? Think again. Time to trot out one of Fousesquawk's oldies.
This is how far political correctness is taking us-to the point of revisionist history.
In the case of Muslims, is this what we owe them-to glorify their religion to the point of absurdity? And for what purpose? If we are doing it in the name of multi-culturalism, ask yourself why we are not glorifying Buddhism for the benefit of our Buddhist population? In Britain, or Europe, or the US, nobody pays any attention to Buddhism or Buddhists. Why not? Should we not refer to Buddhism as a religion of peace? It would probably be an accurate description. They don't bother anybody. They are not trying to impose Buddhism on anybody. I lived for three years in Thailand-arguably, the most devout Buddhist nation in the world. Yet, we attended a Catholic church in Bangkok, and I know of know of no religion that was not free to practice. Today, is there religious strife in Thailand? Yes, the Muslim minority in the south of Thailand is engaged in violence and vicious killing of Buddhists. The Buddhists are not engaged in jihad. They do not curse and condemn other religions. They are not rioting and committing violence in the name of Buddhism. Are the Buddhists residing in Europe rioting? No.
So the question must be asked: Why does the West go to such extremes to express its "utmost respect" for Islam? Is it because so much of the Islamic world has declared war on the West? Is it because there is only one religion that has carried out horrific attacks on the West, such as 9-11? Is it because Islam has over one billion followers? Is it because the major Islamic organizations in America have resorted to "lawfare" to cower anyone who dares point out the inconvenient facts? Is it because the West is so deathly afraid of unleashing riots and mayhem in the Muslim world? Does it have anything to do with Middle Eastern oil? Does it have anything to do with a fear of more terror attacks against us?
The answer to all of those question is yes.
Otherwise, ask yourself why we don't have to pay any attention to Buddhism.
It is called, "The squeaky wheel gets the grease."
The Buddhists or Catholics will not riot if they don't get their way. Muslims will.
If in 1929 the British didn't give into the Arabs when they rioted in what was then The Palestinian Mandate, then the word to Muslims would have been that rioting would not work. Unfortunately, the British not only gave in but kept giving in and the Muslims know that if they riot, they get want they want. Every time! So they just threaten to riot to win any argument.
"Should we not refer to Buddhism as a religion of peace? It would probably be an accurate description. They don't bother anybody."
Ever hear of Sri Lanka?
Gary, this is some really scary stuff! Took me a bit to go through all of the links and some searches on my own but it was well worth it. Sometimes I think I should buy a cabin up in the mountains to flee to! As u know I tend towards the liberal side, but am starting to get very conservative on issues like this. If a group of people don't like it they can go back to an Islamic country! MN
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