
Monday, August 20, 2012

Quote of the Day from Todd Akin

Todd Akin
Todd Akin

Todd Akin (R) is running for Claire McCaskill's Senate seat in Missouri. Or at least he was until he came up with this classic comment about pregnancy and rape.

So much for that race.

(Who says I'm not fair and balanced?)


Siarlys Jenkins said...

You know a class A idiot when you see one. (And no, I'm NOT insinuating the old saw "it takes one to know one.") I'm sure you'd like to wring his neck for throwing a race you expected him to win.

My guess is, a man who could say that, could make many similar gaffes before November. Also, his politics lends itself to such rationales.

Maggiemae said...

I saw this on-line earlier. He is an idiot and has no place in either house in congress. This wasn't a slip of the tongue, I really think he believes some rape is "legitimate" vs some are not? Wonder what his criteria is for determining the difference. Her skirt was too short? She flirted? She came on to him? Sheesh. Martha

Siarlys Jenkins said...

In all fairness to the idiot, I think what he meant by "legitimate rape" was that it conclusively was rape, and not quasi-consensual. That's problematic in itself, but he wasn't saying that some rape is OK. He was saying if its really rape, there will be no pregnancy. That, of course, is ludicrous.