It's a scenario the Europeans know only so well. Their government brings in so-called refugees to live in the country. Refugees have nothing to offer the host country. Refugees have no desire to assimilate. Refugees decide due to cultural factors that they have a perfect right to rape the local women. Result? Local woman gets brutally gang-raped by several refugees.
Norway? France? Sweden? Hardly. Welcome to Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Fortunately, the rapists are in custody, and hopefully, will spend the next 20-30 years in jail then be sent home. (Unless Janet Napolitano is still running DHS). But here are a couple of questions the media will not ask:
1 What State Department officials are responsible for issuing visas to these men? Will anybody in government be held accountable?
2 Where is N.O.W. and the other feminists? Why are they not asking the same questions I am?
Because they won't touch this. It is because they are more concerned with the entire scope of liberal policies. Because they will not attack a "protected" class of people-in this case, immigrants-more specifically, Muslim immigrants.
So if certain people come to this country with attitudes towards women that they are mere chattel and must conform to the same controls and punishments they had to endure in their countries of origin, well, who are we to judge? We must all embrace multi-culturalism.
This is the moral quandary that the feminists must endure every day. With all their whining, they still manage to ignore what happens to women every day in other parts of the world. And thanks to some faceless American official(s) somewhere it is brought to America.
Funny Gary didn't dedicate a blog post to this story from Colorado's neighbor Utah:
I guess when the rapist is white, Republican, and Christian, then it is "legitimate rape".
Christian background is a long way from being a practicing Christian-your Utah case being an exception. That case looks more like a Warren Jeffs type of Mormon than a mainstream Mormon.
As for whether the majority in US being white, you might want to check your stats. No matter. Criminals and law-abiding people come in all colors. My thesis in the post was simply that our government allowed five bad guys to come to the US.
Gary, you don't mention the ethnicity of the accused, but it, consistent with your recent lines of rhetoric, they are Somali, you need not look for an individual state department employee who issued individual visas.
It was a policy decision in the Bush administration that a certain group of Somalis should be airlifted en masse to the USA. They were darker than other Somalis, they were of baNtu descent, they had originally been imported as slaves, this was still remembered against them from other Somalis.
What's not to approve?
Apparently, airlifting an entire ethnic and religious community isn't such an all-around humanitarian act.
Israel is having trouble accepting some of its recent imports too, and at least they share the same religion, only some rabbis aren't sure its kosher.
P.S. There used to be a few Irish men who thought it was their right to rape Protestant women... you don't hear much about that any more. A lot of Irish immigrants did considerably more constructive things...
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