Atlas Shrugs is featuring an article by film maker Eric Allen Bell regarding his experience with the Murfreesboro, Tennessee mosque project. Bell, who considers himself a liberal, traveled to Murfreesboro to make a documentary about the controversy over a proposed 53,000 sq foot mosque. Initially supportive of the mosque due to his belief in freedom of religion, the more he learned, the more he turned against the project. Bell has now become an activist in exposing the forces behind the project. He has done so at considerable risk to himself and his family. Below, he describes the efforts of those involved with the mosque to influence the local schools.
Not since the Scopes Monkey Trial of 1925 has the state of Tennessee seen such a religious controversy.
To me, this boils down to a few simple questions. If local Muslims want to build a mosque that is proportionate to the size of their community in a manner that is not disruptive to the community, they should enjoy that right. Approval should be handled as any other construction permit would be. In addition, people have a right to be concerned over the type of Islam that is being preached, for example, Sufist vs Salafi/Wahabist. If there is an ideological connection with Hamas, that is an issue of valid concern. In addition, it appears the school board is not being truthful with the community as to its communications with mosque leaders regarding all the considerations that must be given to Muslim schoolchildren.
Eric Allen Bell has raised valid concerns, which the community has a right to be addressed.
"What is Going on in Murfressboro?"
In my humble opinion, a coalition of conservatives, evangelicals, and zionists are trying to prevent local muslims from building a new house of worship.
The coalition to stop the mosque first sued Rutherford County (not the muslims) because its planning commission had issued a permit for the mosque. In the first trial plaintiffs argued that Islam is not a religion and therefore Muslims do not deserve constitutional protections such as freedom of worship and building places of worship. The judge (Chancellor Robert Corlew) ruled against the planitiffs.
The plaintiffs then brought a second suit (once against the County, not the muslims) this time on a technicality that the free local newspaper (Murfreesboro Post) that the County has historically used to publish public notices was not widely circulated enough. Chancellor Corlew agreed with the plaintiffs and ruled against the county.
The original permit that the county has issued for the mosque's construction is legally void, however the county has 30-day period to appeal. Judge Corlew has stated that mosque construction may continue but the county may not issue an occupancy permit.
If the judgement is upheld builders of the mosque may sue Rutherford County since they started construction on the premise that the permit they were issued was valid and legal. Muslims may also sue the county and perhaps even the state of Tennessee on the grounds of a violation of their civil rights. If a church had applied for and had been issued a building permit in the same manner as the mosque, the voiding of the mosque's permit would be a violation of the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment.
Just my two cents.
I think you overlooked my original comment about supporting the right of Muslims to build their place of worship as long as legitimate concerns were addressed. Bell also supported them, but learned of some troubling issues. One of the issues is whether the normal approval method was circumvented. As to who can sue whom, I am not qualified to argue that.
Hi Miggie.
Actually one of the leading opponents of the mosque is a Christian Zionist lady by the name of Laurie Cardoza-Moore. She runs a Zionist organization called "Proclaiming Justice to the Nations". Google the group and check out its website.
Another plaintiff against the mosque is a Jewish lady named Lisa Moore. Also the main lawyer for the plaintiffs Joe Brandon Jr. is also a Christian Zionist. According to an article in USA Today, Mr. Brandon keeps an Israeli flag in his law office in Smyrna, TN. There was also lots of Israeli flags present at protests against the mosque.
Finally there are about 1.3 billion Muslims in the world, and not 2 billion as you stated.
Remember, Facts beat Opinions everytime.
I have met Laurie Cardoza-Moore. Had lunch with her and her husband a couple of years back. Nice lady who is doing good work. She is pro-Israel and also knowledable about the jihadists.
Mr. Fouse isin't "anti-Jihadist" and "anti-Shariah" just code words for politically correct anti-Islam and anti-Muslim?
Supporters of Israel such as yourself and Miggie always complain about about alleged Jew haters hiding under the cover of "anti-Zionism". Aren't you playing the same trick.
It's really hard for me to accept that a Christian Zionist like Laurie (who lives in Brentwood, TN and not Murfreesboro) is concerned about public notices and traffic concerns relating to the mosque.
If denying people the right to freedom of worship is good work, then Mrs. Cardoza-Moore is a saint.
"Mr. Fouse isin't "anti-Jihadist" and "anti-Shariah" just code words for politically correct anti-Islam and anti-Muslim?"
No. They are valid concerns. Much of sharia is benevolent, but some of it is not. Check out hudud-punishments for crimes against God.
I think we can be anti-Sharia and anti-Jihad without being against Muslims as people. I know it's a trickly line to follow, but I try not to cross over that line.
True to a point. You should ask yourself if you hold Israel to a higher standard then you do her enemies. If you are against the Jewish religion, what is it you are against? keep in mind there are many denominations of Jews. Also keep in mind that they are hardly monolithic when it comes to virtually any issue-including Israel. You might also check out the UN definition of anti-Semitism (much as I hate to quote the UN).
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