
Sunday, July 1, 2012

Does Anjem Choudary Know About This?

Fox News is reporting an ugly story the rest of the media in this country would rather ignore. It concerns forced sex trafficking of under-age girls in Britain. If you were not aware of this, keep in mind that everybody in Britain knows about it.

I should note that when Brits refer to Asians, unlike the US, they are generally referring to Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis etc, from the Indian sub-continent, where most of their Asian immigrants come from, whereas we think in terms of Japanese, Chinese, Koreans, Filipinos, Thais, Vietnamese, etc.

So the question begs, since Anjem Choudary and his Sharia4UK represent the face of extreme Islam in the UK with their Sharia-compliant zones, what do they think about all this?

It is a serious question.

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