
Saturday, July 14, 2012

Joe Biden's Absurd Speech Before the NAACP

Joe Biden's speech before the NAACP was absurd in two aspects; first of all, I wish these politicians like Biden and Hillary Clinton would stop trying to imitate black preachers in their style when they go before a black audience. It is demeaning. Secondly, Biden should realize we are not living in the 1960s.

I remember when I was a kid growing up in West LA and we first started coming into contact with black kids in high school. Frankly, we didn't know how to interact with them, so we tried to talk jive with them. We thought that was how they all talked. When we look back on it, we realize how demeaning and ridiculous we must have sounded. As we matured and got to know more blacks, we learned how to talk to them in a normal manner. Some of us anyway. I still wonder about Hillary Clinton after that absurd "No how, no way" speech she gave to a black audience in 2008.

Enter Joe Biden this week in Houston, and what does he do? He tries to bring down the house with soaring oratory that sounded like a re-do of an old Martin Luther King speech in Alabama.

It didn't work, Joe.

Why is it that white politicians think they have to tell black audiences everything they think they want to hear? Is it not demeaning? Is it not akin to talking to children? How insulting. Even Romney pandered to some extent in his speech although he didn't change his cadence and speaking style. He also manged to draw a few boos.

Thankfully, at least Hillary Clinton is not running for anything this year, so the NAACP was spared her silly, phony lines.  

1 comment:

elwood p suggins said...

Dredging up a previous entry by Siarlys which has now migrated to “older posts”, he is at least partially correct when he says “We will not end racism by wallowing in it“. He is, however, preaching to the choir here, and rather than going through some monkey-motion of changing “identity”, what needs to first happen is that the “wallowers in chief” should knock off the nonsense. This will not occur, of course, since such tactics and antics generate money, votes, access, influence, and power, and unfortunately will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. Just a couple of examples of how the situation could be better.

Put an immediate end to the more egregious forms of “affirmative action”. First, some of these procedures are at least as racially discriminatory as the practices, actual or alleged, which gave rise to the perceived necessity to implement them in the first place. Further, they frequently, purposely or otherwise, epitomize the concept of minority superiority/supremacy. This concept is, quite properly, roundly damned from nearly all compass points these days as it (fortunately) more and more rarely appears in regard to white superiority/supremacy, and the same should apply in both instances.

The “voting rights” suit relative to the voter ID law in Texas is another prime example. The “wallowers in chief” (Obama, Biden, Holder, Jackson, Sharpton, Waters, Lee, Lee, Conyers and all the other members of the Congressional Black Caucus save for two, I believe, Pelosi, Hoyer, Schumer, Durbin, Wasserman-Schultz, Smiley, West, Belcher, Matthews, O’Donnell, and a host of others to include Toure with no doohickey/thingamajig over his name) bleat that requirement of photo ID will “disenfranchise” minority voters without mention of any effect on white ones. Fact of the matter is that according to documents used by the DOJ, not by Texas, in the subject trial, if anyone is disenfranchised it will at least potentially, and most likely actually, involve/effect whites more than minorities (either black or Hispanic), both numerically/quantitatively and proportionally.

The real fear among libs/Dems/lefties is that if voter rolls are properly purged in at least some areas of the country, they will lose enough illegitimate/fraudulent votes to cause losses in some elections, which is why they fight it so hard, and race is only a “cover“. In some respects, as least insofar as what votes count, shades of the 2000 presidential election??